Sunday, September 5, 2010

Update: Mosquito Killed

Well, after I wrote that last post, I tried to take a short nap to make up for some lost sleep. But as I lay in the bed, fearful of getting more bites, I looked up to the ceiling, and who did I see??? The little sucker just staring down at me. He was just waiting for my eyes to close. See, last night I killed the first one after he had gotten my right arm pretty good. I thought I was safe and fell asleep for a bit until the second one swooped in, buzzing in my ear to taunt me all night. I tried to stay under the sheet, but I was sweating because it was so hot. Why don't they have mosquito nets in this country??
Anyways, after a patient pursuit with a few near misses I finally got the little guy. He was slow because he was so fat with my blood but still elusive enough to give me a pretty good chase. But in the end, my determination to get revenge won out! See for yourself...